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Events & activities Harderwijk
Do you like art and culture, dining in culinary restaurants, recreation and history? Harderwijk has a lot of events and activities planned for this winter. See here our OUTcalendar, there must be something there for you. We are looking forward to see you this winter in Lovely Harderwijk!
66 results
Marlon Pichel | Poppodium Estrado
Saturday 15 February
Wat Mijn Man Niet Weet - Met Victoria Koblenko, Puck Pomelien Busser en Birgit Schuurman
Saturday 15 February
Harderwijk Highlight Fietstour
Lions Boekenmarkt
IJsbeelden Festival 20e editie
until 2 March
City & Food Walk Harderwijk
until 10 January 2026
Riza Tisserand – 90’s Kids
until 27 March
Sierk Schröder – Tijdloos meesterschap
until 30 March
Expositite 1825, de vergeten ramp
until 2 March
Roel C. Verburg – Magisch realisme
until 16 October
Onder de rook van de Brouwerij
until 10 April
Hanzestories Harderwijk
until 24 May 2026
Renske Kruitbosch – Neem de tijd
until 8 May
Chimaera Trio brengt de ‘Roaring Twenties’ tot leven in Randmeerconcert
Sunday 16 February
Expositie Synagoge
Koopavond op vrijdagavond
De Grote Slijmmusical (6+)
Saturday 22 February
Joël Borelli - INTRODUCING: Joël Borelli
Thursday 27 February
Veluwse Wandeldagen
27 February until 1 March
Céline Janssen - Opera voor Dummies 2.0
Friday 28 February
Nacht van de Nederpop | Poppodium Estrado
Friday 28 February
The African Mamas - The Big Five (try-out)
Saturday 1 March
Bumba (1+) - Het Verjaardagsboek
Sunday 2 March
El Mundo Live Sessions - Hein Augustijn & BraboMundo | Poppodium Estrado
Sunday 2 March
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